Fighting Fish Promised Returns

Fish breed Laga (Betta species Splenden) Give Fair Return

REALLY strange to know that there are women who are so interested in ornamental fish is much less fish is the Betta species Splenden or better known as a fighting fish. But for Mariyati Abdullah, 54, world of ornamental fish is not the right man but he just proves even further the interest in converting it into a profitable business.

Opening the story while visiting his home that has made ​​fighting fish breeding areas, Mariyati said, everything started from a hobby to enjoy their fish matches at home like most people. Hobby that has prompted him to buy five pairs of fighting fish from Thailand which in turn paved the way for him to enter the business world more seriously. Breeds of fish are bought when they consist of varieties halfmoon, crown tail, short tail, double tail fighting fish and other species of wild fighting fish. Unexpectedly fighting fish he bought it to reproduce rapidly in a short enough time forcing him to build a separate breeding areas and larger in the home.

Looking at the response the public and through the help of a friend who is willing to become a distributor, then Mariyati determination to convert his hobby of business and working hard until the animal had reached 10.000 pieces in any one time. "Interestingly the breeding fighting fish is, it is always well received among the people apart, not many entrepreneurs who are really working on it for the market,''he said.

But he admitted that fighting fish care is rather complicated and fussy, especially in terms of maintenance of water and food are two important aspects in ensuring that the percentage of living children a high fighting fish. Water for example, need to be replaced two days, while food will be given twice daily. In addition to certain content that is not too much water, it must also be free of chlorine either by technology or anti chlorine filters are available in the market. If using regular tap water, it should be allowed to advance at least 2 to 3 days before they can be used.

Food was given in the morning and evening either worm or red wiggler and he himself has produced its own red worms using the method learned from a friend. "red worms can also be found in any ornamental fish shop in tablet form and should be wet before given to fighting fish. "However, I do not encourage fighting fish fed pallet as it affects water quality,''he said. Add Mariyati fighting fish, can grow to five inches with a life lived for about two years.

Male fighting fish is more beautiful and larger than females and the mating process typically will occur after fighting fish reach the age of about three months. For the purpose of mating, the male and female fighting fish will be placed in the same container for about two to three days and confirmed the mating process occurs when the female fighting fish fighting fish away from the male. Currently, female fighting fish fighting fish will be isolated and left to take care of the male fish eggs until they hatch in buihnya which is about a few days later. Once hatched the fry, which amounted to hundreds of fish are caught to prevent it in the food by adult males and placed in a larger container.

According Mariyati, fighting fish received encouraging response due to its beauty and unique colors and patterns are painted on the wings and the price is higher if both factors are increasingly evident. The wing is also fighting fish are within a half months is like a beautiful fan at the age of two and a half months to four months of the most beautiful and awaited by fans.

Looking at the response the public and through the help of a friend who is willing to become a distributor, then Mariyati determination to convert his hobby of business and working hard until the animal had reached 10.000 pieces in any one time. "Interestingly the breeding fighting fish is, it is always well received among the people apart, not many entrepreneurs who are really working on it for the market,''he said.

But he admitted that fighting fish care is rather complicated and fussy, especially in terms of maintenance of water and food are two important aspects in ensuring that the percentage of living children a high fighting fish. Water for example, need to be replaced two days, while food will be given twice daily. In addition to certain content that is not too much water, it must also be free of chlorine either by technology or anti chlorine filters are available in the market. If using regular tap water, it should be allowed to advance at least 2 to 3 days before they can be used.