Arowana Fish Or Ikan Kelisa

Some of most expensive kinds of fish in the market.

FISH arowana, or better known by kelisa fish in Malay society and bony fish-dragon dragon tounged among some Chinese society is a freshwater fish that got its own place in the hearts of fans of ornamental fish aquarium.

Beautiful and charming of all, especially the scales.
Not only is her body shape is interesting, even original features it may possess, including the color and sheen of fish scales make it as one of the most expensive ornamental fish species in the market.

Taken in conjunction with the title of dragon scales and a large antenna, resembling dragon's legendary Chinese society, while calls tounged bony-toothed refers to the bone at the base of the Arowana mouth.

Notwithstanding the title given, arowana fish has its own privileges until adopted as ornamental fish in Class A.

But really high prices arowana fish and sometimes ridiculous is said actually caused the animal abilities also determine the 'good luck' owner?

According to an ornamental fish shop operators, Datok Seng Chew Lye, according to Chinese belief arowana fish actually have the capability to give an indication to whether the individual owner will have joy or woe.

"There are cases where an owner one day arowana fish arowana fish was puzzled why his care often do not jump around and act normal".

LYE SENG show arowana fish available
in his fish shop in Jalan Burma
, Penang.
"Then a few days later, the man has got a mishap in his life. It's like giving the impression that the arowana fish seem to have been aware of what is going to happen to him, and tried to tell him to behave like that, " said Lye Seng who is a shop owner Chew Thean Yeang Aquarium Sdn. Bhd. Burma Road, Penang.

Lye Seng is now more than 40 years working on the business, however, said that belief usually exist among the Chinese community alone who was holding fast to feng shui.

For the Chinese community who also believe luck arowana as pet carriers, he said, they typically maintain a just in the house while the premises, the amount may be more than two pieces.

 But according to Lye Seng, where to place the aquarium should be examined by a fortune teller in advance to ensure the fish are really able to bring good luck to their owners.

Lye Seng clear yet, keep arowana fish also its rule.

He said the owner of the fish can not talk to sell his fish is close to the fish due to fear of being heard by the fish.

FISH arowana acting male incubates the eggs from arowana female seeds to reach maturity before being released from his mouth.

"If we always say to sell ours arowana fish especially in front of the fish, the fish soon die, may cause suicidal actions or angry with his master who wants to sell it," the man said again.
Arowana eat

Lye Seng also said before the 1980's, arowana fish are often used because they are easily obtained meal on the lake and mine besides the low price at the time.

But he said, after arowana fish price soaring as high as a thousand dollars, it will no longer be serving. Arowana fish holding prices depending on their nature, the Malaysian Golden Arowana, the price can go up to RM14, 000.

But he said, arowana fish is still eaten especially by the owner when the dead fish.

"Often arowana fish tasty if cooked stew but if fried, is not very good. It feels as if the sea bass but there is a little difference, not even a lot of bones, "he said.

When asked whether the arowana fish requires great care and require great expense, Lye Seng told it depends on the type of fish grown especially size.

He said if the arowana fish reared large, then foods such as fish and worm should be placed in a high rate depends on the frequency of eating fish.

However, he said, usually arowana fish will only eat two to three times a day and that means a bundle of fish worth RM1, who has 15 pieces is enough to make the fish meal in a day.

In addition to small fish, arowana fish also feeds on caterpillars, frogs and centipedes are easily available in fish stores sell jewelry at cheap prices.

Meanwhile, a fan of arowana fish, Mohamad Fauzi told him defend Rosly arowana fish arowana type yellow as her passion for nature's own fish swim above the crowd saw when he was in the water."When I first bought this fish on January 4 last year, its size is only as big as your thumb at RM180 and when the people who say waste money if the fish die."

"Now, it's a year of the fish in my custody. I am very satisfied when see this fish grows every day and that they are bigger than my hands, " he said.

According to Fauzi, arowana fish easily maintained. Just simply just replace the water and gave bread to eat grubs, crickets and centipedes which are on sale in fish stores.

"If you see this arowana fish are not aggressive as usual, I will replace the water and always provide alternative air pump if the power supply is cut off."

"I just allocate RM20 per month to buy food," he said, adding that prices of fish in the market has reached belaannya RM600.

Touching on the belief that these fish bring good luck, Fauzi said he did not believe what was happening in his life due to the fish because everything that happens is divine certainty.